When you have been charged with a crime, it is important to understand your situation, its implications and the potential consequences that you face. You are in a vulnerable position, and every move that you make could have a major impact on your future. This is why...
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White collar crimes charges filed against former principal
Multiple criminal charges can have severe, long-lasting impacts for North Dakota defendants. However, many tend to view charges for white collar crimes as less serious than other allegations, such as burglary or drug violations. These types of crimes are still...
How many drinks will put you past the legal limit?
The current legal blood alcohol concentration in every state is 0.08 percent. However, various organizations want to lower the limit to 0.05 percent, and studies suggest such an action could save of lives. It is important to understand that alcohol affects everyone...
Refusal charges unconstitutional during drunk driving arrests
When North Dakota police officers suspect that a diver is intoxicated and initiate a traffic stop, they usually request a series of tests. In addition to the well-known Breathalyzer, drivers may be asked to perform a series of field sobriety tests or to have their...