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Assault in the first degree charges in Minnesota

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2017 | Criminal Defense

Have you ever read or heard reports of people in Minnesota being accused of different types of assault in different degrees and wondered what that really meant? There are very distinct differences between each type of offense in the eyes of the law. The actual nature of the alleged act is part of what makes that difference. The penalties for different degrees of offenses may also be quite unique.

The Office of the Revisor of Statutes gives an overview of what Minnesota considers assault in the first degree. A person may be accused of this offense if he or she has used or is said to have even tried to use what can be considered deadly force against specific individuals. Included in these individuals are prosecuting attorneys, judges and peace officers. Also involved are people who work at jails, prisons or even workhouses. The alleged acts must occur while the individuals are acting in their professional or employed roles. For example, a prison guard who is on duty versus off duty.

A person can also be charged with assault in the first degree if he or she is said to have caused great bodily harm to any other person. For any type of assault in the first degree charge, a defendant may face prison or fines if convicted. Some defendants may have to spend time in prison and pay fines.

If you would like to learn more about battery charges, please feel free to visit the assault crimes page of our Minnesota criminal defense website.
