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Actions that may be considered domestic assault

On Behalf of | Jul 16, 2023 | Criminal Defense

There are times when those who live in a home together may make accusations against each other. Some of the most common of these are allegations of domestic assault, which can include different types of violent acts and other actions. If charged with a violent crime of any type, regardless of the accuracy of the allegations, it can have a detrimental effect on one’s future, and it can lead to complications in other areas of one’s life. It is critical to effectively defend against these types of allegations. 

What counts as domestic assault? 

When most people think about domestic assault, they typically consider acts of physical violence by one family member against another. There are different types of domestic assault, and they are not always physical. Domestic assault can take place between any individuals who share domestic space. Types of domestic violence and assault include: 

  • Physical abuse 
  • Emotional abuse 
  • Financial abuse 
  • Sexual assault and abuse 
  • Psychological abuse 

These cases often involve one person’s word against another. However, it is still critical to take these situations seriously and defend against allegations. Even without evidence or an official criminal charge, these allegations have the potential to impact custody cases, one’s career and more. 

The right approach for a defense 

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy to effectively confront domestic violence allegations. It is prudent to create a strategy based on the details of the individual situation. When accused of domestic violence of any kind, an important and practical first step is to seek insight and counsel from an experienced defense attorney.  
