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The Bakken Formation Crime Wave

The Bakken Formation, named after a North Dakota farmer, Henry Bakken, is an enormous rock formation covering close to 200,000 square miles. While the formation was known to contain oil in the early 1950s, it wasn’t until recent technological advances that the area could be mined at its current pace.

New processes such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (often shortened to fracking), have allowed a modern boom in oil drilling. This had led to small towns seeing a dramatic increase in population size and activity. Unfortunately, with all of the positive effects this mining boom is having on the local communities, it is also introducing a negative element to everyday life.

An Attorney Working In The Bakken Area And Western North Dakota

Fracking, while posing a threat to the surrounding environment, can lead to an influx of workers into a historically serene community. This boom town syndrome can lead to a destabilization of everyday life and introduce a criminal element that was not experienced before.

At Dusek Law, we understand that people make mistakes and are often swept up in emotion or poor decision-making. We believe that people deserve a fair trial and are prepared to represent clients charged with Bakken crimes such as:

  • Sexual assault
  • DUI
  • Prostitution
  • Gun crimes
  • Theft crimes
  • Drug crimes
  • Human trafficking
  • Reckless endangerment

When you need experienced criminal defense, schedule a free consultation with our firm.

Our attorneys for criminal defense are prepared to handle cases throughout the state. You can contact our lawyers by calling the East Grand Forks office at 701-639-7744 or by emailing the firm.