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How to defend against a speeding ticket

On Behalf of | May 14, 2024 | Criminal Defense

Defending against a speeding ticket requires understanding the laws and knowing different strategies.

There are some steps you can take to help build a strong defense.

Understand the ticket

First, it is important to carefully read the speeding ticket. Check the date, time and location of the alleged violation. Ensure the details are correct. Mistakes on the ticket can help in your defense. There are different speed limits for different areas, such as residential zones, highways and school zones. You need to know the specific speed limit for the location.

Gather evidence

The next step is gathering evidence. Take pictures of the area where the ticket was issued. Look for signs that show the speed limit. Check for any factors that could have affected the officer’s ability to measure speed accurately. These could include weather conditions, road obstructions or heavy traffic.

Check the speed detection device

Police officers use various devices to measure speed, such as radar guns and LIDAR. These devices must be properly maintained and calibrated. Request information about the device used during the stop. Ask for maintenance records and the officer’s training records. If the device was not properly maintained or the officer was not properly trained, this can be a strong point in your defense.

Prepare your argument

Prepare a clear argument. Explain why the speeding ticket is not valid. For example, if the speed limit sign is obscured or missing, this can be a strong defense. If the radar or LIDAR device was not properly maintained or calibrated, emphasize this in your argument. If there were unusual circumstances, such as a medical emergency, explain these clearly and provide evidence if possible.

Consider witnesses

Witnesses can support your defense. A passenger in the car can testify about the speed and the conditions at the time of the ticket. Other drivers or pedestrians in the area can also provide helpful testimony. Ensure witnesses are credible and willing to appear in court.

Attend the court hearing

Attend the court hearing on the scheduled date. Dress appropriately and be respectful. Present your evidence and arguments clearly and confidently. Stick to the facts and avoid emotional appeals.

Defending against a speeding ticket involves careful preparation and clear presentation of evidence. By following these steps, you can improve the chances of a favorable outcome.


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