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David D. Dusek, Premier DUI Attorney, Advanced Level Training on Attacking DUI Reports & Videos

On Behalf of | Oct 18, 2022 | DUI

David D. Dusek recently received advanced level training, from the American Association of Premier DUI Attorneys, on attacking DUI reports and videos in DUI cases. To effectively attack DUI reports and videos, it is critical to know and use the officer’s NHTSA Manuals against him. Even the most experienced officers miss important steps and make mistakes in DUI investigations, which can result in people being wrongfully arrested for DUI. Some key areas to focus attention on are: discrepancies between the police report and the video, officers who ignore/downplay/neglect injuries and medical conditions, the officer’s instructions and demonstrations of the field sobriety tests, an officer’s use of trick questions, improper classification of clues, copy and pasting errors, misused keywords, and poor quality reports when a video is present.  Lear More


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