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Facing criminal charges for revenge porn?

On Behalf of | May 17, 2021 | Criminal Defense

In Minnesota, it is illegal to post private sexual images online without the subject’s consent. The state passed a revenge porn law in 2016 to protect victims and hold those responsible for posting such pictures accountable for their actions. If you have found yourself facing criminal charges for revenge porn, you could be looking at significant consequences, depending on whether you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony.  

Misdemeanor charges 

Anyone who posts private sexual images without consent may face misdemeanor charges. The consequences associated with a conviction on such charges include one year behind bars or a fine of $3,000. In some cases, both penalties may be imposed.  

Felony charges 

In Minnesota, revenge porn becomes a felony-level offense if certain aggravating factors exist in your case. A few examples of aggravating factors include posting an image you obtained through theft, posting with the intent to make a profit, posting images to harass the victim and causing the victim to sustain financial damages. The penalties associated with a conviction on felony-level revenge porn charges include fines up to $10,000 and a prison sentence of up to five years. 

Defend yourself 

Revenge porn cases are challenging. There is a lot on the line, and your case may come down to your word against the word of the alleged victim. An experienced criminal defense attorney may be able to help you defend yourself and help you achieve a case dismissal or, at least, a reduction in charges. To learn how legal counsel can assist you, please take a moment and visit our firms website.


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