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North Dakota police arrest man for alleged drug crimes

On Behalf of | Nov 8, 2018 | Drug Charges

Police in North Dakota recently arrested a man they say traveled to the state to sell heroin. This is not his first brush with the law, as he was convicted of sex trafficking crimes in the past. His current drug crimes charge is for conspiracy to deliver heroin, and the consequences could be severe.

At around 3 a.m., a police officer initiated a traffic stop for a vehicle driven by a woman. She had one passenger, the 36-year-old defendant. Although it is not clear why the officer pulled the vehicle over or what transpired immediately afterwards, the driver ultimately handed over a condom filled with what she claimed was heroin. She also told the officer that she had bought the substance from her male passenger.

When questioned, the passenger allegedly admitted that he had purchased heroin for $1,800 in another state. He said that he then brought it to North Dakota, where he sold it for $4,800. However, one investigator stated that the estimated value of seized heroin likely could have sold for as much as $16,800 in the state.

The man is currently in police custody, and a judge set his bail at $50,000. With an existing criminal background, convictions for subsequent drug crimes charges can be devastating. In such cases, timely and careful action under guidance of an experienced attorney can help North Dakota defendants determine how to proceed in order to achieve the best possible outcome for their situation. In some cases, this means fighting the charges to the fullest extent of the law. In others, a plea deal negotiated with the prosecution can provide better results.
