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Challenges for convicted sex offenders after release

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2016 | Sex Crimes, Sex Crimes

People in Minnesota who are convicted for various sex crimes face a myriad of consequences. Criminal punishments can include lengthy prison sentences along with probation and parole times. However, for some people, that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The state is facing a growing challenge regarding how to help people reintegrate into society upon being released from custody. Specifically, where these registered sex offenders can live is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. In 2006, Taylors Falls in Chisago County became the first municipality to place a ban on housing locations for sex offenders. Since then, 33 other municipalities have followed suit.

Today, the entire county of Le Sueur is investigating some sort of ban option. This comes in part as a response to the Minnesota Department of Human Services’ effort to seek and establish housing for people upon their release. One recent possibility has been blocked as area residents learned about the plan and have initiated efforts to prevent the housing from going through. While certainly the safety of all residents is important, the state is left with fewer options on how to help these defendants reclaim their lives and become positive members of the communities once again.

Anyone who is accused of a sex crime in Minnesota might wish to reach out to an attorney promptly. With such serious lifelong consequences on the line, getting help from the start may make a difference.


Source: Duluth News Tribune, “Minnesota struggles with sex offender reintegration,” Dana Melius and Nancy Madsen, Oct. 25, 2016

